Before the local elections, candidates employ all kinds of methods to influence voters. A councilor’s PR on the Community Budget of Kyiv is a direct vi...
Верховна Рада внесла зміни до Виборчого кодексу. Цьому передувала адміністративна реформа – істотне укрупнення громад і районів. Унаслідок реформи кіль...
The Ukrainian capital is the European champion by the number of skyscrapers in the city. It is followed by London, Moscow and Kharkiv. In the global Skyscrap...
To provide every Ukrainian with a full fridge of meat and safe shawarma; to make sure that Ukrainian doctors and teachers don’t leave for Poland to scr...
The data about party funding have become more accessible, but its analysis shows that there isn’t more transparency in this aspect. Parties come up wit...
On January 16, 2014 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with violation of the regulations adopted a number of laws. According to many experts, these changes will r...